Catabolism of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides and disorders associated with it.



  • Both DNA and RNA are composed of various nucleotides. 

  • Every nucleotide contains a base, sugar ribose/deoxyribose linked to phosphoric acid residues.

  • Combination of base and sugar is called a nucleoside 

  • A nucleoside linked to phosphoric acid is called a nudietide.

  • Base + Sugar-------->Nucleoside 

  • Base + Sugar + Phosphoric acid→ Nucleotide.

Catabolism of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides:

  • Degradation of purines and pyrimidines produces uric acid and urea,

  • During purine nucleotide degradation, 5-nucleotidase removes the phosphate group from the nucleotide.  

  • Adenosine is deaminated to inosine by adenosine deaminase, and inosine is hydrolyzed to hypoxanthine (its purine base) and D-ribose

  • Hypoxanthine is successively oxidized to xanthine and then uric acid with the help of xanthine oxidase. Molecular oxygen is the electron acceptor in this complex reaction

  • GMP catabolism also yields uric acid as an end product.  

  • GMP is first hydrolyzed to guanosine, which is then cleaved to free guanine

  • Guanine undergoes hydrolytic removal of its amino group to yield xanthine, which is converted to uric acid by xanthine oxidase

  • Uric acid is the excreted end product of purine catabolism.

  • The pathways for degradation of pyrimidines generally lead to ammonia production and thus to urea synthesis

Hyperuricemia and Gout:

  • Higher levels of uric acid in the blood are termed hyperuricemia.

  • The conditions are at their peak before and after the attack in Gout. 

  • In gout, salts of uric acid cause typical chalky swellings called tophi

  • The disorder is found mainly in males and is genetically determined

  • Gout is controlled by Allopurinol, which inhibits the enzyme xanthine oxidase and prevents the formation of uric acid, few other drugs are also useful in the conditions

  • Treatment of acute gout arthritis

    • Drugs like NSAIDs, corticosteroids, adrenocorticotropic hormones, analgesics are used to treat acute attacks of gout.

  • Prevention of acute attacks of gout

    • Colchicine and NSAIDs are used to prevent gout attacks.

  • Lowering serum urate concentration

    • Drugs like Probenecid, Allopurinol are used to lower serum urate concentrations.

Commonly Asked Questions

  1. Write a short note on hyperuricemia and gout.

  2. Write a short note on the catabolism of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides and disorders associated with it.

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