Official Standards of Powders.

 Official Standards of Powders.

  • lndian Pharmacopoeia has prescribed standards for powders for pharmaceutical purposes. 

  • Accordingly, degree of coarseness or fineness is expressed with reference to the nominal aperture size of sieve through which powder is able to pass. 

  • The IP 1996 specifies five grades of powders.

Sr. No.

Grade of Powder

Sieve through which all particles must pass

Nominal Mesh Aperture Size

Sieve through which 40% Particles pass

Nominal Mesh aperture size.


Coarse Powder


1.7 mm


355 µm


Moderately Coarse Powder


710 µm


250 µm


Moderately Fine Powder


355 µm


180 µm


Fine Powder


180 µm




Very Fine Powder


125 µm



A) Coarse Powder:

  • A powder, all the particles of which pass through a sieve with nominal mesh aperture of 1.70 mm (Sieve No. 10 ) and not more than 40% pass through nominal mesh aperture of 355 µm (Sieve No. 44) is called a Coarse Powder.

B) Moderately Coarse Powder: 

  • A powder, all the particles of which pass through a sieve with nominal mesh aperture of 710 µm (Sieve No. 22) and not more than 40% pass through nominal mesh aperture of 250 µm (Sieve No. 60) is called a Moderately Coarse Powder.

C) Moderately Fine Powder:

  • A powder, all the particles of which pass through a sieve with nominal mesh aperture of 355 µm (Sieve No. 44) and not more than 40% pass through nominal mesh aperture of 180 µm (Sieve No. 85) is called a Moderately Fine Powder.

D) Fine Powder: 

  • A powder, all the particles of which pass through a sieve with nominal mesh aperture of 180 µm (Sieve No. 85) is called a Fine Powder.

E) Very Fine Powder:

  • A powder, all the particles of which pass through a sieve with nominal mesh aperture of 125 µm (Sieve No. 120) is called a Fine Powder.

Commonly Asked Question.

  1. Write a short note on official grades of pharmaceutical powders.

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