Edge Runner Mill.
It works on the principle of Crushing and Attrition.
Also known as the Chilean mill or Roller stone mill.
It consists of one or two heavy steel or granite rollers mounted on a horizontal shaft and turned round a central vertical shaft on a bed of steel or granite.
The stones may vary from 0.5 to 2.5 m in diameter, the larger size weighing up to about 6 tonnes.
The material to be ground is kept in the path of the runner by scrapers.
The reduction is partly due to crushing: by the weight of the stones, but more to friction between the surfaces of contact between the runners and the bed stone.
Edge runner mills are gradually being replaced by more sophisticated machines.
Used particularly for reducing extremely tough and fibrous materials – roots and barks to the form of powder.
Commonly Asked Questions.
What is size reduction? Write Principle, Construction and working of the Edge Runner Mill.