It is a soft oblong organ present below the stomach.
It is attached to duodenum and ends near the spleen.
It has mixed exocrine and endocrine functions.
The pancreas has a head, a body, and a tail.
It delivers pancreatic juice to the duodenum through the pancreatic duct.
The exocrine part of the pancreas arises as little grape-like cell clusters, each called an acinus (plural = acini), located at the ends of pancreatic ducts.
The acini secrete pancreatic juice which contains a large amount of pancreatic enzymes.
The pancreatic duct along with bile duct opens in duodenum in an area called as “Hepatopancreatic ampulla”, this part is guarded by a sphincter called “hepatopancreatic sphincter” which controls entry of bile and pancreatic juices in duodenum.
Islets of Langerhans (EndocrineCells) represent a group of cells that appear surrounded by acini (Exocrine Cells).
Islets of Langerhans contain Four types of cells with endocrine function.
Ɑ (Alpha Cells): Secrete “Glucagon”
𝛃 (Beta Cells): Secrete “Insulin”.
𝞭 (Delta Cells): Secrete “Somatostatin”.
PP Cells: Islets of langerhans cells also secrete a local hormone called “Pancreatic Polypeptide”.
Pancreatic Juice:
It's a clear secretion secreted by Pancreas in duodenum.
Pancreas secrete around one liter of pancreatic juice everyday.
It contains mainly water, some salts, sodium bicarbonate and several digestive enzymes.
The proteolytic enzymes are secreted in inactive forms which get activated in the duodenum, while amylases, lipases and others are secreted in active forms.
Pancreatic secretion is controlled by “secretine” a local hormone produced by “S” cells of the small intestine.
Hormones of Pancreas:
Endocrine part of the pancreas is Islets of Langerhans.
Beta cells of Islets of Langerhans secrete “Insulin” which is responsible for conversion of glucose to glycogen and also for entry of glucose into the cells, hence maintaining the blood sugar levels.
Absence or deficient insulin secretion gives rise to a condition called “Diabetes mellitus”.
Alpha cells of Islets of Langerhans secrete a hormone called “Glucagon” responsible for conversion of glycogen to glucose, hence providing sugar to the body in fasting conditions.
Delta cells of Islets of Langerhans secretes “Somatostatin” its a local hormone and inhibits secretion of other hormones like “Gastrin, Secretin, Insulin, Glucagon etc.”
Commonly Asked Questions.
Write anote on Pancreas.
Discuss hormones of Pancreas.