Brain is protected by cranium and meninges.
Brain has special coverings called “meninges”.
Meninges covers Brain and spinal cord.
Three covers:
Dura Mater (Outermost)
Arachnoid Mater, (Middle)
Pia Mater. (Inner)
Spaces between meninges
Subdural Space: Between Dura and Arachnoid Mater.
Subarachnoid Space: Between Arachnoid mater and Pia Mater.
Outermost Layer is “Dura Mater”
Lies inside the skull.
Forms compartments or folds.
Two imp. Folds of Dura mater:
Falx: Divides brain laterally.
Tentorium: Divides brain horizontally.
Arachnoid Mater covers the entire brain.
Pia Mater is the innermost layer, containing numerous blood vessels.
Cerebrospinal fluid is present in subarachnoid space.
Main function of meninges is “Protection”.
Commonly Asked Question.
Write a short note on the meanings of the brain.