Second Largest area of the brain.
Position: Posterior to Pons and Medulla.
Transverse fissure and tentorium cerebelli separates it from the cerebrum.
Shape: Like Butterfly.
Central area: Vermis, Lateral Lobes : Cerebral Hemispheres.
Each hemisphere is divided into three lobes.
Anterior Lobe.
Posterior Lobe
Flocculonodular Lobe. (Equilibrium, and Balance).
Superfacial; layer called “Cerebellar cortex” appears in a series of parallel ridges called “Folia” and is made up of “Gray Matter”.
Arbor vitae branches of white matter.
Cerebellar nuclei present in deep white matter.
Voluntary and non voluntary activities.
Helps cerebrum in coordinating the movements.
Maintaining body posture and equilibrium.
Learning and language processing.
Commonly Asked Questions:
Write a short note on “Small Brain”.
Draw a well labelled diagram of “Cerebellum”.
Give functions of cerebellum.