Small Intestine: It is present between the stomach and large intestine . It starts at duodenum and ends at ileocaecal junction . It lies in the abdominal cavity surrounded by large intestine. Length is 5 Meters and diameter is 1 . 5 inches . Provides Chemical as well as mechanical digestion . Main site for chemical digestion and absorption of food . Contains “ Three ” parts, Duodenum Jejunum . Ileum . Duodenum. First part . Starts near the pyloric sphincter of the stomach. “ C ” shaped . Smallest part is only 25 cm . Contains openings of bile duct and pancreatic duct . It has little acidic pH . Jejunum. Middle part . Present between duodenum and ileum . 3 Feet in length. Ileum. Last part . Starts after jejunum and ends at the large intestine at “Ileocaecal Junction ”. Contains ileocaecal sphincter . 6 feets in length. Cells of Small Intestine: Absorptive Cells : Modified columnar epithelium . Contains “ Microvilli '' provides greater surface area. ...
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