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Renin Angiotensin Mechanism.

Connective Tissue.

 Tissue level of organization: Connective Tissue.


  • Groups of cells having similar structure and performing similar functions are called “Tissue.”

  • Connective tissue is the most abundant tissue in the body. 

  • The connective tissue cells are more widely separated from each other than in epithelial tissues, and the intercellular substance (matrix) is present in considerably larger amounts.

  • There are usually fibres present in the matrix, which may be of a semisolid jelly-like consistency or dense and rigid, depending upon the position and function of thentissue.

  • The fibres form a supporting network for the cells to attach to. 

  • Most types of connective tissues have a good blood supply. 

Basic functions of Connective Tissue.

  1. Binding 

  2. Structural support

  3. Protection

  4. Transport

  5. Insulation.

Important Cells found in Connective Tissue:

  1. Fibroblasts:

  • Also called “Fibrocytes”.

  • Large cells.

  • Produce collagen and elastic fibers.

      B) Fat Cells:

  • Also called Adipocytes.

  • Occurs as a single cell or in groups.

  • Size varies as per amount of fat present inside the cell.

     C) Macrophages:

  • These are irregular-shaped cells with granules in the cytoplasm.

  • Their basic job is eating and digesting foregin substances.

    D) Leukocytes:

  • Normally they are very less in numbers in normal conditions.

  • Infections trigger their entry in large numbers in the tissue.

    E) Mast Cells:

  • These cells contain large quantities of ‘Histamine” the chemical responsible for many allergies.

Classification of Connective Tissues:

  1. Loose Connective Tissue:

    1. Areolar Connective Tissue.

    2. Adipose Tissue.

      1. White Adipose Tissue.

      2. Brown Adipose Tissue.

    3. Reticular Connective Tissue.

  2. Dense Connective Tissue:

    1. Fibrous Connective Tissue.

    2. Elastic Connective Tissue.

    3. Cartilage.

      1. Hyaline Cartilage

      2. Fibrous Cartilage

      3. Elastic Fibrocartilage.

    4. Bones:

      1. Compact Bones.

      2. Spongy Bones.

Areolar Connective Tissue:

  • This is the most common type of connective tissue. 

  • The matrix is semi solid and contains many cells like fibroblasts, macrophages, adipocytes etc. 

  • It is found in almost every part of the body. 

  • It connects and supports other tissues,

  • It is present under the skin between muscles

  • Supporting blood vessels and nerves

  • In the alimentary canal

  • In glands supporting secretory cells.

Adipose Tissue:

  • Adipose tissue consists of fat cells (adipocytes), containing large fat globules, in a matrix of areolar tissue. 

  • There are two types: white and brown.

Reticular Connective Tissue:

  • Also called as “Lymphoid Tissue”.

  • It contains a semisolid matrix with fine branching reticulin fibres.

  • It contains reticular cells and white blood cells (monocytes and lymphocytes). 

  • Lymphoid tissue is found in lymph nodes and all organs of the lymphatic system.

Dense Connective Tissue:

  1. Fibrous Connective Tissue:

  • This tissue is made up mainly of closely packed bundles of collagen fibres with very little matrix.

  • Fibrocytes (old and inactive fibroblasts) are few in number and are found lying in rows between the bundles of fibres. 

  • Fibrous tissue is found:

    • forming ligaments, which bind bones together

    • as an outer protective covering for bone, called periosteum

    • as an outer protective covering of some organs, e.g. the kidneys, lymph nodes and the brain

  1. Elastic Connective Tissue:

  • Elastic tissue is capable of considerable extension and recoil. 

  • There are few cells and the matrix consists mainly of masses of elastic fibres secreted by fibroblasts. 

  • It is found in organs where stretching or alteration of shape is required, e.g. in large blood vessel walls, the trachea and bronchi and the lungs.

  1. Cartilage Tissue: 

  • Cartilage is firmer than other connective tissues. 

  • The cells are called chondrocytes and are less in numbers. 

  • Matrix contains a high amount of collagen and elastic fibres. 

  • There are three types: 

    • Hyaline cartilage, 

    • Fibrocartilage

    • Elastic fibrocartilage.

  1. Hyaline cartilage:

  • It is a smooth bluish-white tissue. 

  • The chondrocytes are in small groups within cell nests (Pockets).

  • The matrix is solid and smooth. 

  • Hyaline cartilage provides flexibility, support and smooth surfaces for movement at joints. 

  • It is found:

    • on the ends of long bones that form joints

    • forming the costal cartilages, which attach the ribs to the sternum

    • forming part of the larynx, trachea and bronchi.

  1. Fibrocartilage:

  • This consists of dense masses of white collagen fibres in a matrix similar to that of hyaline cartilage

  • The cells widely dispersed. 

  • It is a tough, slightly flexible, supporting tissue found:as pads between the bodies of the vertebrae: the intervertebral discs.

  1. Elastic fibrocartilage:

  • This flexible tissue consists of yellow elastic fibres lying in a solid matrix. 

  • The chondrocytes lie between the fibres. 

  • It provides support and maintains the shape of, e.g. the pinna or lobe of the ear, the epiglottis and part of the tunica media of blood vessel walls.

D) Bone:

  • It is the toughest connective tissue.

  • Bone cells (osteocytes) are surrounded by a matrix of collagen fibres strengthened by inorganic salts, especially calcium and phosphate. 

  • Two types of bone can be identified by the naked eye:

  • compact bone – solid or dense appearance

  • spongy or cancellous bone – ‘spongy’ or fine honeycomb appearance.

Commonly Asked Questions.

  1. Define Tissue and explain in detail Connective Tissue.

  2. Write a short note on “Cartilage Tissue”.

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