Different Body Processes

 Introduction to the Human Body: Different Body Processes


  • Human beings are the most complex of all the living organisms.

  • Human body contains many organs which work in an organized manner for an efficient working of the human body.

  • The study of human body is divided broadly in two divisions,

    • Anatomy

    • Physiology.

  • Human Anatomy is the branch of science that deals with the study of structures of different body parts.

  • Human Physiology is the branch of science that deals with the study of functions of different body parts.

Human Anatomy: Study of Structure.

Human Physiology: Study Of Functions.

Different Body Processes:

  • Body performs different processes, the important are described here,

  1. Metabolism:

  • The chemical processes happening in our body are summarized as “Metabolism”, for sake of convenience it is divided into two titles as,

    • Catabolism.

    • Anabolism.

  • Catabolism involves chemical processes involved in breaking down of complex chemical substances to the simpler chemical substances.

    • e.g. Body breaks down protein molecules to produce amino acids.

  • Anabolism involves building of complex chemical substances from the simpler chemical substances in the body.

    • e.g.  Body prepares new protein molecules from the available amino acids.

  1. Movement:

  • It indicates motion of body, body parts, cells or even a cellular structure.

    • e.g. When an infectious substance enters the body the white blood cells get attracted towards it and kills/cleans it.

    • Our legs in a coordinated manner move us from one place to another when we decide to walk or run.

  1. Growth:

  • It is indicated by an increase in the size of the body that may either result from increased size of existing cells or due to increased number of the cells.

    • Bones grow in size and length when mineral deposition happens in the bone cells.

  1. Differentiation:

  • It refers to transformation of a cell from an unspecialized state to a specialized state.

    • The blood cells RBCs, WBCs and Thrombocytes are formed by unspecialized cells called ‘Stem Cells” in bone marrow and develop into specialized cells.

    • Through this process of differentiation a fertilized egg becomes embryo then foetus and so on.

  1. Reproduction:

  • This process refers to either of the following,

    • Formation of new cells for growth,

    • Repair or replacement of the cells,

    • Or production of a new individual.

  • In case of Human beings Ovum from Female is fertilized by a Male sperm which results in formation of Zygote which inturn becomes an embryo which gives rise to a new individual.

  1. Respiration:

  • This refers to the exchange of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide between the cells and the external environment.

  • Cellular respiration involves oxidation of glucose molecules to carbon dioxide and water which results in the formation of energy in the form of ATP.

  1. Digestion:

  • This process deals with conversion of complex food molecules into simpler food molecules which can be used by the body for energy production and growth.

  • It is chemical as well as mechanical in nature.

  1. Excretion:

  • It is the process of removal of waste materials formed inside the body during digestion and metabolism.

  • Excretion is a very important process as the accumulation of waste materials changes composition of body fluids altering their pH and hence homeostasis.

  • Various organs which perform function of excretion are Kidneys, lungs, skin, large intestine, Kidney being the main site of excretion.

  1. Responsiveness:

  • It is the body's ability to detect and react to the change.   

  • Different cells of the body respond to the change in different manners.

  • Responsiveness enables body to perform various functions.

Commonly Asked Questions

1) Write in short about different body processes.
2) What do you mean by,
    a) Growth.
    b) Reproduction.
    c) Metabolism.
    d) Responsiveness.

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