Introduction to Human Body: Levels of Structural Organizations.



  • Human beings are the most complex of all the living organisms.

  • Human body contains many organs which work in an organized manner for an efficient working of the human body.

  • The study of human body is divided broadly in two divisions,

    • Anatomy

    • Physiology.

  • Human Anatomy is the branch of science that deals with the study of structures of different body parts.

  • Human Physiology is the branch of science that deals with the study of functions of different body parts.

Human Anatomy: Study of Structure.

Human Physiology: Study Of Functions.

Levels of Structural Organizations:

  • All processes in the human body are controlled and maintained by structural organizations.

  • These structural organizations start from simple and grow complex.

  • There are basic Six types of structural organizations of the body,

    • Chemical Level.

    • Cellular Level.

    • Tissue Level

    • Organ Level

    • System Level

    • Organism Level

  1. Chemical Level:

  • The most basic level of organization.

  • It includes atoms which is the smallest unit of matter,

  • Two or more atoms come together to form molecules of the chemicals.

  • The chemicals in the body are divided into two Inorganic chemicals and organic chemicals.

  • The organic molecules viz. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are crucial for life.

  • Different chemical molecules come together and form the next level of organization i.e. cellular level.

  1. Cellular Level:

  • Cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life.

  • Different chemical molecules come together to form a cell.

  • Human body contains different varieties of cells each having different structure and function e.g. Epithelial cells, muscular cells etc.

  • Cells with similar structure and function comes together to form next structural organization i.e. “Tissue Level”.

  1. Tissue Level:

  • A group of cells having similar structure and function is called a “Tissue”.

  • A human body is made up of four basic tissues:

    • Epithelial tissue.

    • Connective Tissue.

    • Muscular Tissue.

    • Nervous Tissue.

  • Different tissues come together to form next level of structural organization i.e. “Organ Level”.

  1. Organ Level:

  • Different tissues come together to form an organ.

  • An organ is a structure with recognisable shape and contains two or more types of tissues performing specific functions.

  • E.g. Stomach, Kidney, Lungs, Heart etc.

  • Different organs come together to form next level of structural organization i.e. “System Level”.

  1. System Level:

6) Organism Level:

  • It is the complex and top most level of the structural organization.

  • All systems come together to form a complete organism i.e. Human body.

  • The organism is capable to perform many vital functions crucial to carry out the process of life.

Commonly asked questions:

  1. Write a short note on "Structural organization of Human Body".

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