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Showing posts from December, 2020

Renin Angiotensin Mechanism.

MCQs: Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes.

MCQs: Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes. Home => MCQs: Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes. Quiz    Time for this test is 45 minutes. Show all questions <=   => Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes are basically divided by, ?   Presence of nuclear membrane. ?   No. of cells present in the organism. ?   Metabolism ?   Environment required for growth. Identify a prokaryotic organism from the following organisms, ?   Fungi ?   Algae ?   Bacteria ?   Human Prokaryotic chromosome is characteristic in shape it is, ?   Linear ?   Circular ?   Rectangular ?   Triangular Which of the following cells mainly contain the cell organelle “Chloroplast”? ?   Animal cells ?   Bacterial Cells ?   Fungal cells. ?   Plant cells Chlorophyl...

Animal Cell Culture: General procedure for cell culture.

  Introduction: Animal cell culture is a microbiological technique in which animal cells and tissues are obtained and maintained in a suitable environment. It is further divided into, Organotypic : Animal Organ Tissue Culture. Histotypic : Animal Cell Culture. Animal cells can be grown only upto certain generations. Their growth requires typical conditions and a physicochemical environment. Animal cell culture prepared from collecting tissue or cells from an organism is called a “ Primary culture .” The sequence of subcultures prepared from primary culture is called “ Cell lines ”. History: It  was Ross Harisson from America who first cultured animal cells successfully in the laboratory. Campbell, Wilmut and colleagues at Roslin Institute in Scotland successfully cloned the first animal cell using nuclear transfer technique and gave birth to a sheep named “ Dolly ” in 1996. General procedure for cell Culture. A piece of tissue of an organism is quite a complex substan...