Introduction: Disinfection is a process of removal or destruction of microorganisms and reducing their number to a non harmful level. Disinfection usually kills the vegetative form of microorganisms and doesn't affect the endospores . The chemical which is used for disinfection of the nonliving objects (Inanimate objects) is called a “ Disinfectant ”. The chemical which is used for disinfection of the living object s is called an “ Antiseptic ”. Mostly the disinfectants are “ Bactericidal ” while some may be “Bacteriostatic” . Factors affecting action of Disinfectants: The rate and extent of antibacterial action of the disinfectant depends on many factors like, Concentration of the disinfectant. Chemical Structure of the disinfectant. Formulation of the disinfectant. Interfering substances in the environment. pH of the surrounding. Potentiation and antagonism of the disinfectants. Surface Tension. Temperature. Time of Contact. Type and no. of microbes present. Concentration of ...
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