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Renin Angiotensin Mechanism.

Respiratory System

Respiratory System


  • Respiration is the physiological process involving movement of oxygen from outside environment into the cell within tissues and transportation of carbon dioxide in the opposite direction.

  • Like other systems of the body Respiratory system also works in coordination with other systems.

  • The branch of science that deals with the structure, function, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of lungs is called Pulmonology.

  • The study of Nose and Pharynx and Larynx is covered in ENT (Ear Nose Throat).

Respiratory System:

  • It consists of,

    • Nose (Nasal Cavity).

    • Pharynx.

    • Larynx.

    • Trachea.

    • Lungs.

Mechanism of Breathing:

  • The process of moving air in and out of the lungs is called “Breathing”.

  • Breathing, or pulmonary ventilation, consists of two phases: inspiration, the period when air flows into the lungs, and expiration, the period when gases exit the lungs.

  •  The major mechanisms that cause breathing are,

    • Atmospheric pressure,

    • Intrapulmonary Pressure,

    • Intrapleural Pressure.

  • The muscles that play major role in breathing are,

    • Intercostal muscles.

    • Diaphragm.


  • The phase of breathing when atmospheric air enters lungs is called inspiration.

  • Mechanism of inspiration involves following steps,

    • Intercostal muscles contract.

    • The ribs are pulled upward.

    • Diaphragm contracts and moves downwards.

    • It results in increased “Lung Volume.”

    • As lung volume increases intrapulmonary pressure decreases in comparison to atmospheric pressure.

    • The atmospheric air moves from high pressure to low pressure i.e. in lungs.

    • The inspiration is followed by expiration.


  • The phase of breathing in which the gases move out from lungs into the atmosphere is called expiration.

  • Mechanism of expiration involves following steps,

    • Intercostal muscles relax.

    • The ribs come back to normal.

    • Diaphragm relaxes and again forms its dome shape.

    • It results in decreased “Lung Volume.”

    • As lung volume decreases intrapulmonary pressure increases in comparison to atmospheric pressure.

    • The atmospheric air moves from high pressure to low pressure i.e. outside the  lungs.

    • The expiration is followed by inspiration.

Gas Exchanges Between the Blood, Lungs, and Tissues:

  • The purpose of the respiratory system is to perform gas exchange.

  • It is divided into following phases:

    • External Respiration.

    • Internal Respiration.

    • Oxygen Transport.

    • CO2 Transport.

  • External Respiration:

    • Pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood to the lungs where it forms respiratory membranes (basement membranes of blood capillary and alveoli are fused with each other) with alveoli.

    • Because of differences in partial pressure of oxygen and CO2 in blood and alveoli the gases move from higher concentration to lower concentration.

    • Deoxygenated blood contains lesser partial pressure of Oxygen than alveoli and hence oxygen diffuses in the blood.

    • Deoxygenated blood contains higher CO2 partial pressure as compared to alveoli and hence diffuses from blood into alveoli.

    • The resulted oxygenated blood is sent to heart by pulmonary veins.

  • Internal Respiration:

    • The heart pumps oxygenated blood into aorta which supplies oxygenated blood to the entire body through its branches.

    • The capillary carrying oxygenated blood reaches in tissues where partial pressure of oxygen is less as compared to blood, this results diffusion of oxygen from blood into tissues.

    • The capillary pressure of CO2 is higher in tissues as compared to in blood capillary, this results in diffusion of CO2 from tissue to blood capillary.

    • Now this formed deoxygenated blood is collected via superior vena cava and inferior vena cava and transported to the heart.

    • The heart transfers this receives deoxygenated blood to the lungs via pulmonary artery for oxygenation.

  • Oxygen Transfer:

    • The oxygen has a little water solubility and hence dissolves in little amount in plasma which diffuses directly into the cells.

    • Around 2% of oxygen is dissolved in plasma.

    • About 98% of oxygen in blood combines with Hemoglobin to form a complex called “Oxyhemoglobin”.

    • The Oxyhemoglobin dissociation radially on reaching to the cells having lower Oxygen partial pressures and oxygen diffuses in the cells.

  • Carbon dioxide Transfer:

  • Carbon dioxide is formed in the cell as an end product of many reactions and is one of the major excretory products of cells.

  • The CO2 dissolves in little amounts in the interstitial fluid surrounding the cells, which diffuses easily in the blood capillaries (around 2%).

  • Majority of CO2 diffuses directly in Red Blood Cells from tissues due to concentration differences.

  • The large concentration of CO2 (70%) reacts with water in RBC to form Carbonic Acid (H2Co3).

  • The formed carbonic acid is broken down to water and bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) ions by action of enzyme “Carbonic Anhydrase”.

  • The bicarbonate ions enters the plasma from RBC and maintains the pH of blood.

  • Some part of Co2 entered in RBC (20%) reacts with hemoglobin and forms a complex called “Carbaminohemoglobin”.

  • On reaching the lungs the dissolved CO2 in plasma directly diffuses in alveoli.

  • The carbaminohemoglobin complex dissociates as partial air pressure of CO2 is higher in alveoli than in blood, the free CO2 diffuses into the alveoli for exchange with oxygen.

  • The bicarbonate ions dissolved in plasma renters RBC and combines with water to form Carbonic acid, the formed carbonic acid dissociates into water and carbon dioxide.

  • The formed carbon dioxide diffuses into alveoli.

Lung Volumes / Respiratory Volumes:

  • Following are important lung volumes,

    • Tidal Volume.

    • Inspiratory Reserve Volume,<<,, normal breathing is called “Tidal Volume”.

    • Normal Value: 500 ml.

  • Inspiratory Reserve Volume:

    • The maximum amount of air that can be inhaled after normal inhalation is called as Inspiratory Reserve Volume.

    • Normal Value: 2100 to 3200 ml.

  • Expiratory Reserve Volume:

    • The maximum amount of air that can be exhaled after normal exhalation is called the Expiratory Reserve Volume.

    • Normal Value: 1000to 1200 ml.

  • Residual Volume:

    • The amount of air remaining in lungs after a forceful expiration is called Residual volume.

    • Normal Value: 1200 ml.

    • This volume is necessary to keep lungs open and to prevent lungs collapse.

Lung Capacities / Respiratory Capacities:

  • Following are important lung capacities,

    • Inspiratory capacity (IC).

    • Functional residual capacity (FRC).

    • Vital capacity (VC).

    • Total lung capacity (TLC).

  • Inspiratory capacity (IC):

    •  Total amount of air that can be inspired after a tidal expiration.

    • Hence it is “Tidal Volume + Inspiratory Reserve Volume”.

  • Functional residual capacity (FRC):

    • Amount of air remaining in the lungs after a tidal expiration.

    • It is “Residual Volume + Expiratory Reserve Volume”.

  • Vital capacity (VC):

    • It is the total amount of exchangeable air.

    • It is “Tidal volume + Inspiratory Reserve Volume + Expiratory Reserve Volume).

    • Normal value is 4800 ml. (excluding residual volume 1200ml).

  • Total lung capacity (TLC):

    • It is the sum of all lung capacities.

    • It is 6000ml.

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