Introduction to Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
The organisms are mainly divided by the type of cell they are having as “Prokaryotic” and “Eukaryotic”.
Prokaryotic Organisms:
The name is derived from Greek for “primitive nucleus”.
Organisms made up of cell(s) that lack a well developed cell nucleus or any membrane-enclosed organelles.
e.g. Bacteria, Archaea, and Bluegreen algae.
Developed around 3.5 billion years ago.
Approximate size is around 0.5-3.0 μm.
Usually unicellular (some cyanobacteria may be multicellular).
Nucleus is primitive and free in the cytoplasm, attached to mesosomes, and lacks nuclear membrane and nucleolus.
It contains DNA as a haploid genome.
Membrane-bound organelles are absent.
Ribosomes are smaller, 70S (50S + 30S).
Chloroplasts are absent; chlorophyll scattered in the cytoplasm.
Cell wall has a complex structure containing protein, lipids, and peptidoglycans.
For movement some organisms have flagella which has a simple structure.
They reproduce by asexual reproduction.
Eukaryotic Organisms:
The name is derived from Greek for “true nucleus”.
Organisms are made up of cell(s) that contain a well developed cell nucleus covered with nuclear membrane, and membrane bound cell organelles.
e.g. Algae, fungi, protozoa, plants, animals.
Developed around 2 billion years ago.
Approximate size is above 5 μm.
Usually multicellular.
Nucleus is well developed and is enclosed in a nuclear membrane, nucleolus is present in the nucleus. Different well developed cell organelles are present
It contains DNA as a diploid genome.
Ribosomes are bigger, 80S (60S + 40S).
Chlorophyll is present in chloroplast in plants.
Cell wall is present in plant cells and fungi, in animal cells it is absent.
For movement some organisms contain flagella which are complex in nature.
They reproduce by Sexual and asexual/ Mitotic division.
Differentiate between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells / organisms.