Joints in Human Body (Short). Introduction: A joint is the place in the body where bones of the skeleton meet. It is also called “Articulation.” Joints allow locomotion. Classification of Joints: Joints can be classified as structurally or functionally. The structural classification of joints depends on the manner in which the bones connect to each other. The functional classification of joints depends on the nature of the movement the joints allow. Arthrology is the branch of science that deals with the study of joints it is also called “Synosteology”. Structural Classification of Joints: The structural classification of joints is based on the type of tissue that binds the bones to each other at the joint. There are three types of joints in the structural classification. Fibrous, Cartilaginous, Synovial joints. Fibrous Joints: These are joints in which bones are joined by dense connective tissue that is rich in collagen fibers. These joints are als...
Simple Pharmanotes
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